Annual Assembly 2023

The annual assembly 2023 took place from 3. to 5. of April 2023 in Würzburg.

About 40 people are standing on a stairs in front of a building. Most people are of age of approximately 30 or 40 years with few persons that are of age about 50 or 60. Three inset images show remote participants of the meeting.
Group picture of the annual assembly 2023 with the remote participants shown in the inset pictures.

The meeting was intended to be the annual gathering of all members and associated researchers of the research unit as well as of selected experts external to the research unit. It was a spin-off of the kick-off meeting in March 2022. Participants had the opportunity to present their research topics, conceptual models, recent findings up to now, their barriers and obstacles to progress, current difficulties and immediate problems as well as their near-future goals. There was also space to discuss our numerical, computational or analytical techniques.

The purpose of the assembly was to gain insight about different approaches, about solution finding and especially to find leverage points for future collaborations and potential synergies and to enrich the colleagues’ work with fruitful hints.

To empower female scientists and to advance towards equality in academia, a one-day workshop for female scientists took place on 5. of April. The workshop with title „Towards a More Inclusive and Diverse Work Environment in Physics“ was led by Dr. Anne Freese and Dr. Isabel Fraas. This in-depth workshop for female academics took place in a relaxed and protected environment as an add-on of the scientific part. The functioning of unconscious biases will be analysed and discussed as career-relevant factors. On the level of implementation, we worked out strategies for gender- and diversity-sensitive ways of communication and individual career planning as well as perspectives for a leadership and organisational culture that frames these. The workshop offered space for reflection, exchange and professionalisation of gender and diversity competence and addresses the topics chosen by the participants so far.

For additional information, open this page with more detailed instructions.

A sequence of radio images (constructed from data obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array within the 2 cm Survey / MOJAVE collaboration) of the parsec-scale jet of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 during successive epochs over the years 1995 until 2005. Also today, this gamma-ray-emitting radio galaxy is still an intriguing object of study and challenges scientists of our research unit. Source: Matthias Kadler et al., 2008, The Astrophysical Journal, cf. the original image at the NRAO website.
A sequence of radio images (constructed from data obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array within the 2 cm Survey / MOJAVE collaboration) of the parsec-scale jet of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 during successive epochs over the years 1995 until 2005. Also today, this gamma-ray-emitting radio galaxy is still an intriguing object of study and challenges scientists of our research unit. Source: Matthias Kadler et al., 2008, The Astrophysical Journal, cf. the original image at the NRAO website.